If you’re a website designer or an enthusiast of digital marketing, you must have heard or learned about Divi themes. Divi themes is a website designing tool that provides business owners and website designers with lots of layouts and templates for their sites. It also allows users to edit and tailor themes to their need and taste.

What is Divi theme?

Divi themes is a product of Elegant Themes. It was created in 2013 and has passed through several refinements and upgrades to become the best and most preferred WordPress theme globally.

It’s one of the two products of the Divi package. The Divi Builder is the second product, and it’s a plugin that allows user to integrate the Divi theme’s page builder to their WordPress website. This tool enables website designers to create beautiful templates without writing a single line of code.

Note: Before proceeding with the review, I would like to clarify to you about Divi themes and Divi builder. As mentioned, both come as a package on gaining membership to Divi. However, users are free to decide whether to use one of the tools or both.

On installing the Divi themes, a user automatically gains access to the Divi Builder for customizing the theme’s templates and layouts. Also, users can decide to install only the Divi Builder as a standalone or separate plugin to edit the preferred themes (different from Divi) of their choice.

From the description, Divi themes look like good tools for building and designing websites. But is it what it promises? Is it fit for your website? These are the questions that will be answered in this comprehensive review of the Divi themes. Let’s dive into it.

Main features of Divi themes

Divi theme is a robust tool with so many features. Let’s begin by seeing some of the awesome things it has to offer its users.

  1. Huge template library

In the past, building page layouts for websites is not easy – not even possible for those without any knowledge of programming or website design. However, that’s no longer a problem. With Divi themes, anyone can build an elegant site using any of the pre-made layouts available on the package.

Divi themes offer lots of website templates. Any business, irrespective of their niche, can find a nice layout to use for their website. Building a site has never been this easy. There are layouts for your non-profit organization, event planning business, restaurant, fashion startup, educational website and others. Name it; you will definitely find a template that fit your business or service on Divi themes.

Presently, a user has over 1,000 plus ready-made templates at their disposal. These templates are grouped into 187 layout packs. And each layout pack include the designs for the homepage, about, contact, and landing page.

With Divi themes, website designers will never run out of ideas. They will always have fresh designs to use for their jobs. Mind you; the templates consist of high-quality graphics and original images. Isn’t that cool?

  1. Fully customizable themes

Every piece and item that makes up the themes are editable. Divi themes offer users the chance to customize all the parts of the website. You are free to change the line height, letter spacing, and text sizes. There are options for editing the anchor links, lists, and blockquote. The border editor gives users control over the shape, size, colour, and style of the borders.

Aside from the numerous high-quality images it provides to users, Divi themes also give them the chance to optimize and add meaning to the images. There are filters options to dictate the hue, saturation, brightness, background and opacity of each objects on the website. Have you heard of the shadow effect? A feature that allows you to add depth to your images. These and many more are available on Divi themes.

Divi themes utilize the native WordPress Customizer as the editor tool. But the customization ability of this tool is more optimized by the Divi Builder. With the Divi Builder, any effect can be made with just a few click of the mouse. You can also customize by adding your codes using the advanced, easy-to-use, and feature-rich code editor.

  1. Powerful and Simple Website builder

Elegant themes also give users the privilege to create their website from scratch without writing a single line of code. With the drag and drop option, any individual can build a website using the Divi builder. The building of the website’s themes and layouts will be done with a few mouse clicks.

The procedure is quite simple and straightforward. There is no need of taking a course to understand and utilize the drag and drop option because Divi themes have broken down the whole layout into sections, rows, and modules. The section is the foundation for every page you want to create, and it holds every other content on the page. Rows are positioned inside the section, and the modules sit within it. The manipulation of these three items will produce a stunning website. Meanwhile, there are buttons for adding, removing, and editing the contents of the pages.

The Divi builder can also be used to create reusable layouts. Won’t it be nice to create one blog layouts and apply it to all your blog posts? Yes, it would be good, and it can be done by saving your layouts into the global library by selecting the “save as global” option. You can also have reusable headings, call-to-action, and a footer to avoid recreating for other site pages.

Divi builder is good for all kind of website. You can also use it to create an engaging Woocommerce website for your online store. Businesses owners can also utilize this tool to build an optimized online presence for their business.

  1. Divi leads optimization tools

Unlike other tools, Divi is the only theme that comes with an inbuilt leads optimization tool. This particular one is characterized by comprehensive stats and full-detailed results that will guide businesses in making the best decision. Let’s say you have several sales page idea in your head; Divi themes split testing will assist you in selecting the one with the most conversion rate by testing all the ideas.

Split testing is when you make changes to a page on your website and test it against the original page to know the one that gives the best result. The tool will direct traffic to both pages, some to the original page and others to the test page, and display each page’s performance in terms of clicks on buttons, sales, conversions, bounce rate, reads, and engagement. From the result, you will be able to know what to do. Maybe stick to the original page, change to the new one, or try out another design.

These are just some of the benefits you enjoy from using the Divi theme and Divi builder. There are more for choosing a theme of elegant themes.

Other features of Divi themes

  1. Documentation

The website has detailed documentation of all the features and benefits of the Divi themes and Divi builder. There are also video snippets for each topic to get the most out of the website building tools. So, users don’t have to trouble themselves browsing, looking for answers in not-always-correct places. There are guides on how to do everything on the Elegant Themes website.

  1. Messenger support channel

In case you don’t get some part of the documentation or find it hard to use some of the tools available on the themes. There is a nice and responsive support service to hear you out and provide solutions to whatever problem you might be encountering. The Divi themes initially use the private discussion forum in which a user ask questions and wait until one of the support team answers. It has changed for the better recently; Elegant Themes now use the messenger support channel, a faster, convenient and reliable support service.

This new system allows users to open a support ticket using the messenger tool available on the website, which always brings about a quicker and more satisfactory response. With this, it isn’t wrong to say that Divi theme is equipped in all ramifications.

  1. Community Forums and Meetups

Aside from the private messaging support system, a user automatically becomes a member of the discussion forum on making payment. This platform is where other freelancers (website designers) and business owners share their experiences of Divi themes. Through this discussion, users can get answers to their problems and meet someone who has experienced a similar issue. Apart from this forum set up by elegant, there are groups and pages on Facebook to discuss issues related to Divi themes. You can join any to catch on the latest gist and hacks about the website builder.

  1. Divi theme extras

The payment that gives Divi themes and Divi builder access will also grant users access to other elegant tools, plugins, and software. The other tools include;

  • Bloom: An email opt-in plugin for collecting visitors emails and building a list
  • Monarch: A tool for sharing your posts and products on your social media pages and accounts. It’s useful for getting traffic.
  • And also more WordPress theme for digital magazines and blogs

Divi theme pricing

Another wonderful thing about Divi themes is that it’s very affordable. Although it’s a bit expensive compared to other available themes, the extras that come with it makes it worth the price. Access to this package can occur in two forms; lifetime or annual. The lifetime payment cost $249, and grant users unrestricted access to all the tools in the package, future updates, and support. Meanwhile, the annual payment grants access for a year and cost $89. It’s better to go for lifetime access if you will be using the theme for more than two years.

It’s good to know that elegant themes give a 30-day money-back guarantee to all those that buy the Divi themes. So, you can get your refund if Divi themes don’t look like your kind of web designing tool.

Pros of Divi themes

  • First-class elegant editable templates
  • Themes for all kinds of business and niche
  • Potent and easy-to-use page builder tool
  • Highly-optimized and productive page testing tool
  • Well-detailed user guide
  • Constant improvement and updates
  • Great product at affordable prices

Cons of Divi themes

  • A user need lots of time to understand the usage and art of the Divi builder
  • It s ever-increasing flexibility, and features can be overwhelming for people without the website designing skill.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Divi themes

  • Should I use Divi themes?

Divi theme is a good tool for building and designing websites. It provides users with lots of website templates and makes the creation of page layouts easier. Meanwhile, it also gives the privilege of building from scratch.

Its simplicity makes it the best out of all themes. Everyone with computer knowledge can create a fully functional and beautiful website using this amazing website. Even the programmers get the chance to play around with the codes to apply their touch. There’s nothing more to expect from a theme. Besides, this particular web theme gets upgrades every time, so it’s a nice tool to consider.

  • Is Divi Worth buying?

Absolutely, it’s worth purchasing, especially for website designers. With Divi themes, they can create as many WordPress websites as possible. They can also use it to edit and beautify WordPress website for their clients. Meanwhile, there’s no limit to the number of sites a website designer can use their lifetime access on. Isn’t that worthy of purchase? Even more worthy with the affordable price. Don’t forget that there’s also a 30-days money-back guarantee if it doesn’t meet your need.

  • What is the difference between the Divi theme and Divi builder?

Divi theme is the library for all the attractive page layouts and website templates. The themes are editable with the WordPress Customizer, and huge changes can be made using the Divi builder, another product in the elegant theme package. The installation of the Divi theme automatically includes the builder. Meanwhile, it can also be added as a theme customizer plugin to any WordPress website. The Divi builder is the simplest tool for creating a website from scratch using its drag and drop system.

  • Is the Divi theme good for SEO?

A widespread myth about Divi themes is that it isn’t good for SEO. It was assumed that since it uses shortcodes, there will be issues of website bloating. However, there is no real truth to the assumption. The use of shortcode won’t stop the search engine from crawling the website or affect its visibility. As a matter of fact, search engines only read the content embedded in the shortcode, and not all the shortcode as some people think.

The only SEO-related problem is your meta-descriptions visibility, which can be resolved using an SEO plugin such as SEOpress. But know assuredly that your website’s theme does not really affect its SEO, unlike the page headings, titles, contents, and backlinks. Some of which are readily optimized by Divi themes. But if Divi themes don’t negatively impact the SEO of a website, what about its loading speed?

  • Is Divi theme slow? How fast is Divi theme?

Yes, the size of a theme used on a website can affect its page loading speed. However, the case is different for Divi themes as most of its theme are of small sizes, usually 2-4MB. There’s also a myth that shortcodes usually slows down the speed of a website. That may be true, but only for themes with big sizes and lots of images. And if your selected theme on Divi is slowing down your website’s page loading speed, you can also use plugins such as Hummingbird and Fast Velocity Minify for speed optimization.

  • Is Divi better than Elementor?

Elementor is another WordPress website builder for people with little or no knowledge of website designing. Like Divi, it uses the drag and drop system for website building, and users can create an elegant website without writing codes. And if you have no interest in the long process, you can easily create a website for your business using one of the 300+ templates available in its library. You are also free to edit and customize to suit your taste and convey your business identity.

Although these two theme editors exhibit almost the same features, there also exist some differences. The first is that Elementor has fewer templates compared to Divi. Also, Divi uses a better support system. It usually takes a long period for Elementor users to get answers to their queries.

However, Divi is also not all gold. It has a complex learning curve and is therefore hard to master by newbies, especially those with no website design knowledge. Meanwhile, its huge library can also be a problem in that people often don’t know what to choose.

  • Is Divi the best WordPress theme?

Maybe it would have been easier to say the best if WordPress has fewer themes. There are many to select from, and the common ones include Divi, Elementor, Astra, Thrive, Writer, Brizy Pro, and Hemingway. Each one of them is unique and performs better than others in one of two ways. Therefore, it isn’t right to say that one is the best out of them. It depends on your needs and what works for you. But if you are a freelancer and does lots of website building, it’s better to go for Divi because there are many templates.

  • Is there a free version of Divi themes?

Unlike other software or tools that you have come across on the internet, elegant themes don’t give Divi free trials unless you go through some of their strongest affiliates. However, you can get it directly by opting for the 30-days money-back guarantee method. In this case, you will test the tool for 30-days and decide if you want to continue with the membership or want your refund.

  • Can I use Divi without WordPress?

Divi theme only works on WordPress website. Likewise, you can only use the builder plugin on WordPress themes. These two are not available for websites with a different content management system (CMS).

  • Does Divi work with any of the themes?

Yes, the Divi builder plugin works on any theme; so far, it’s a WordPress theme.

  • How much does the Divi theme cost?

Divi is more affordable than Elementor. It only cost $89 for a year and $249 for a lifetime membership.

  • How much do the elegant themes cost?

Amazingly, payment for Divi also means that you have subscribed for all the themes and tools created by the Elegant themes. A year payment will grant you access to all other 86 WordPress themes and three plugins for 12 months. Meanwhile, the payment of $249 will grant you access forever to the themes, tools, and future updates.

Final thoughts on Divi themes

Divi themes worth the purchase. It’s a theme to be considered by business and especially website designers. It will reduce the stress usually encountered in building websites and will also continually give consistent results. However, you must be ready to study and understand the use of the Divi builder.

Click on this link to explore and purchase the Divi theme.