In the early days of trading, advertisements were done through word of mouth. Businesses solely depend on satisfied customers to speak well of them to friends and relatives.

The invention of electronic gadgets and the inception of publishing companies revolutionized trading by giving businesses the opportunity to introduce themselves and present their product and services before prospective customers.

However, with time, the new became normal and then the old. The creation of the world wide web and the internet brought in new ways of advertisement. And gradually, the use of televisions, electronic billboards, and newspapers for advertisement have become a thing of the past.

Nowadays, companies and enterprises are going online because that’s now the market. Meanwhile, local businesses don’t want to be left out of the digital marketing trend. Hence, we continually receive the question “why should I take my traditional business online” from small business owners.

Count yourself blessed for coming across this article if you’re one of those asking this question because you’re about to be blown away by what the internet can do for your business. By the time you are done reading, your question will change to how you can promote your local business online.

For clarity’s sake, traditional business in this article means an enterprise with a physical building like a brick-and-mortar boutique.

The following are ways digital marketing can benefit your local business

  1. It boosts your business image

Much respect is accorded to businesses with an online presence. People tend to take them more seriously than those without a presence on Google and social media platforms. Telling prospective customers that they can look your business up on Google and social media shows competency. It would create a good impression on them.

Online presence helps local businesses gather credibility. People would no longer see your business as a small one, but that which can go to any length to serve more customers.

It will also create awareness for your business. A website or blog will make the broadcast even when nobody is speaking for you. It will tell internet users your business name, local products, and the services you render. What an awesome representative!!!

  1. It expands your reach.

Traditional businesses have limitations. They are only visible to people based in the same community. Hardly will other neighboring communities or states know of your business and the services you render.

Running your business online will break those boundaries. It will make your local business global for everyone to see. People will be able to interact with your store from different parts of the world.

For instance, having a Google My Business profile will make your business pop-up on Google SERPs when people from within and around your location make local queries that relate to your product or the service you render. A page on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram would do the same for social media researchers.

  1. 24/7 365 availability

Other limitations of traditional business are opening and closing hours. You can’t be available for all-time enquiries, consultations, and sales. There are no time limitations when your business is online. People can come in anytime to buy products in your ecommerce store, even when you are sleeping.

An online presence will also help your local business to generate leads on your closing hours. This is good for local businesses that offer services physically. You can still be running your business, collecting orders, and performing consultation online even when your office is closed. And then, you follow up on prospects the next day during your opening hours.

  1. An online presence will result in more sales/clients.

In the absence of all limitations, you should expect more sales, consultations, and clients. An online presence will give you the edge to receive orders and leads all the time.

Meanwhile, recently, people find it hard to shop in physical stores. They preferred it delivered on their door. In that case, traditional businesses will be getting fewer sales, and they are on the verge of losing customers as everything is becoming digitalized. Therefore, it’s imperative that you move your local business online to be relevant.

  1. Improved customer service

Using online platforms for business activities will facilitate a good relationship between your business and customers. People find it easier to interact with the business through social media platforms rather than waiting in a long queue to speak to a customer service agent on a phone call.

Meanwhile, you can also simplify the experience for them by providing articles that will guide them on the usage of your products. You can have a blog on your website answering all the FAQs about your business. And you can also help them out with infographics or a how-to-video on your social media page.

Besides, it’s easier to integrate Chabot systems with online platforms. These artificially intelligent systems will respond to customer’s needs, even when you’re not online. They provide quick customer support service.

  1. It’s not expensive

Running advertisements on the internet is not as expensive as traditional television, radio, and newspaper advertisements. Also, it’s cost-efficient because it’s directed to people who already need your service or may need it in the nearest future.

Using online platforms will also reduce the number of employees needed to perform your business operations. For example, using chatbots and social media will reduce the number of customer service staff.  You can even be the only staff in that department.

  1. It saves time for more pressing things.

Relating with customers online will give you the time to attend to the administrative and financial needs of your business. Most of the buying and selling will be happening online, and you can hire the service of a logistics company to deliver products to buyers.

Using online platforms will help you to deal with the hassle of business activities and focus on the important things. You can even utilize financial software to send invoices and receive payment from clients.


These are just a few of what the internet can do for your business. You can also utilize it to work with your team remotely without having to meet physically.

Now, let me ask you a question. Do you still have doubts that online will be a game-changer for your business? Or you’re now convinced and want to get online immediately.

Don’t know where to begin? Check this article on how you can promote your local business online.

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