It is so amazing the way different offices and shops are adding WiFi to their facility while a few years back it was only used in the academic environment. The adoption of WiFi (Wireless Fidelity) has gotten to the peak whereby buses, coffee shops, fast foods, and saloons are installing the facility within the borders of their business premises.

According to research and what everyone notices, shoppers prefer to patronize businesses that have WiFi access than those without. In fact, according to Oracle, about 60% of shoppers demand Wi-Fi in business premises. The usage of this network by businesses ought to make business owners begin to ask what is WiFi marketing and how can it benefit their business?

What is WiFi marketing?

WiFi Marketing is a new marketing strategy whereby retailers provide free internet access to their buyers and in turn, uses that medium to communicate messages and promotions. Technically, it is the installation of a network based on WiFi technology that gives all smartphones, laptops, and WiFi-enabled devices to connect to and access the available services.

For maximum optimization, companies always mandate that shoppers engage, and share their articles or connect with their e-mail and social network account to access the

WiFi. Some businesses may give total access to all platforms on the internet while some grant access to limited websites or their mobile app only. Some companies have also added features like pop-ups that will keep on displaying their products and demands for customer’s rating.

What does WiFi marketing look like?

As a customer, on entering into a store that is WiFi-enabled, the next thing is to switch ON your mobile WiFi to connect to the website hotspot. Then your phone will take you to a page where you can see more information about the business, terms, and condition of usage. Also, on this page, you may need to agree with the terms and policy and then register with your email or social media account.

How can WiFi marketing benefit your business?

WiFi Marketing can be of help in enhancing your business in so many ways, below are some of the benefits;

1. Customer attraction.

Like I have stated earlier, adding WiFi to your business will bring in more shoppers to your business vicinity. Also, customers may likely come with friends and relatives next time on knowing that you are giving out 24/7 free internet access. By doing this, you are gaining more customers and overcoming other competitors with no WiFi services. Not only this, people passing by and noticing a large number of people in your restaurant every time will have the impression that you are providing people with good service which is good for your business promotion.

2. Increased sales.

Since there is a large influx of people into your coffee shop, there will also be an increase in sales. An appreciable number of people will surely go around to check the products you have in your mall, and who can tell they might find something that is fascinating. The same thing will also happen to the coffee shop, restaurants, and bars as people would like to have something to calm their nerves while they enjoy the WiFi. Deviscope surveys reveal that 50% of customers that patronize a business will make more purchases since the cost of browsing the internet has already been taken care of.

3. Build an audience.

By gathering the email address and social media profile of whoever uses your WiFi facility, you are compiling a list of potential buyers. Furthermore, through answers given by customers to question pop-ups, you can easily evaluate their online behavior and know more ads and promotions to gain more attraction and participation.

4. Promotion of product and campaign.

As an addition to the previous one, you can begin to use email marketing to send updates of products, discounts, and promotions to the email and social media account you have collected. Through this method, you have begun to build a relationship with constant buyers and commencing a shopping journey with the new ones.

5. Improved shopping experience.

With the WiFi network in your business premises, customers are certainly going to spend more time on shopping.

How to setup WiFi in your store.

To set up a WiFi network for your business, you need to follow the following steps;

1. Choosing the best WiFi network.

Setting up a WiFi network for your business is quite different from what we have in school and offices today in which you implement WiFi and give the password to users. This method won’t work for business, and providing shoppers with the password is nothing close to WiFi marketing. In the business settings, you make them drop some information, answer some questions, or register before granting them access to the free internet.

This implies that you cannot just set up WiFi like every other institution, but need to partner with other companies or go for tools that will help you to shape the WiFi network to your specific need. Also, you have to note that no matter how small your business is, opting for a home WiFi network subscription is a very bad idea unless you are a sole proprietorship. A home WiFi subscription would easily get easily crowded, overtaxed and slow with fewer security options. Below are the companies you can consult to set up WiFi for your business.

  • Verizon
  • Linksys
  • Moo Moo Networks
  • Bloom intelligence
  • Surefi
  • Purple
  • Yelp WiFi
  • Facebook WiFi

2. Installation of the WiFi network.

Well, the installation of the WiFi network may be done by yourself or the company depending on the package you purchase. Some company offers the services as extras for complete packages and no installation for basic packages. But if you are the kind that is nervous about setting up things then you can go for the complete package, but you can also set up the network by yourself. It is expected of any decent companies to provide a step by step procedure in the user’s manual. However, setting up a WiFi network can be generally divided into two stages which are briefly explained below;

Modem and router set up.

This stage is where you unpack the whole set up materials that include the router, modem, cords, and the Power cable. After unpacking, you connect the modem to both electrical socket and a cable wall outlet. Then, you connect the modem to the router if they are separate, but these days they come readily fixed together.

Testing and security set up.

Having made all connections, then you ON the router and connect to the wireless network through your computer, and then you can set up the prerequisite for access.

After setting up your business WiFi network, then the question of how do I make my customers know of the business WiFi? is raised. The best method is to throw a party or think of another event to celebrate your newly installed WiFi network, with this you are creating awareness and making people know that you are a business-oriented person.