Shopify has collaborated with several other marketplaces, such as Amazon and Walmart, to build efficient and profitable eCommerce platforms for merchants in the past few years.  Most of these partnerships came in during the pandemic when eCommerce activities skyrocketed because people were ordering groceries from their homes.

Social media are not left out of the Shopify collaboration program. Even before the pandemic, there has been a partnership with Facebook, the biggest social platform in the world. Shopify announced its partnership with the 2-billion-user social media company far back in the year 2015. This collaboration allowed Shopify merchants to sell their products to people on Facebook-owned social platforms, including Instagram. It also marked the rise of social eCommerce.

Shopify and Facebook/Instagram Integration

To enter the social commerce game, you will have to integrate your Shopify store with either your Facebook or Instagram page or both. Shopify has already developed a sales channel app to be installed on your store to streamline the integration process. It becomes easier when you already have a Facebook or Instagram native shop.

For there to be a smooth social eCommerce, Facebook launched its native shops in 2020. The purpose was to provide a better shopping experience for their users in that they won’t have to leave the Facebook or Instagram app to purchase goods. Businesses could have a shop on their Facebook page or Instagram account from which people can choose a product and pay for it while on the platforms.

Integrating Shopify into these shops would result in a splendid eCommerce business. Shopify is well known for its branding abilities, implying that you could make attractive social stores for your business. Also, you will be able to customize your stores with graphics, images, and colors that blend with your brand. Moreover, there are tools to manage and run your stores effectively and seamlessly.

Why you should integrate your Shopify store with Facebook

Shopify as a standalone is a great eCommerce platform, and Facebook is one of the biggest online markets at the moment. What will the combination be like? Let’s see some of the benefits of integrating your Shopify store with your Facebook shop.

  1. Sell to more mobile users.

Most Facebook users access the platform using the mobile app. And they constitute a larger percentage of social media users. Therefore, connecting your Shopify store to the platform will allow you to meet more mobile users and sell your product to them. Besides, this integration will improve your business outreach, making you meet people looking for your products.

  1. Manage your stores from one place

Instead of operating your stores separately, you could manage them from Shopify. You could post new products on your Facebook Shop, change product prices, and monitor your orders from a single dashboard using Shopify tools.

  1. Create personalized shopping experiences for your customers

Shopify offers a Messenger chat support that can be used to message and update your customers about new products, promotions, and discounts. Your customers will buy your products right in their chat and monitor their orders in real-time.

  1. Run promos and giveaways with ease

There are apps on Shopify that can assist you in running discounts and promotional offers to your customers via Facebook tags.

  1. Run Facebook ads at cheaper rates

You can now implement a Facebook advertisements campaign to push your products to potential buyers. Moreover, it will be at a cheaper price because you now have your store on the platform.

Requirements for Shopify-Facebook Integration

  • Facebook Shop must support your Shopify store currency
  • Your business must have a Facebook page
  • Have a published Facebook page
  • Your Facebook page must have an admin role
  • Your Facebook page must be developed using a Shopping Template
  • Sell physical products

How to Integrate Shopify with Facebook?

Step 1: Installing Facebook Sales Channel

  • On your Shopify admin page, please navigate to the Sales Channel Heading, and click the (+) sign beside it.
  • The Add Sales Channel Page will come up, scroll down to the Facebook sales channel, and click Add to install it.

Step 2: Connecting your business Facebook Page

  • After the installation, the next thing is to connect your business Facebook page.
  • Still, on your Shopify admin, click connect account in the displayed Facebook/Account page
  • The next page will demand your login details. Carefully enter your phone number/email and password to connect to your Facebook account.
  • Then choose the business page you want to connect with
  • Agree to terms and conditions to complete the connection stage

Facebook will review your application, and your Shopify products will become live on your page when your approval is granted. The review may take up to 48hours.

While you wait for Facebook approval, you could use the period to enable and publish your Shopify products that you want to sell on Facebook.

Step 3: Publishing Shopify products on Facebook

You are expected to select the products you want people to see on your Facebook shop and publish your collections for your buyers to have a wonderful shopping experience. This is how to go about it.

  • Navigate to products on your Shopify Menu, and click it to see all your products
  • Select all the products you want to publish and your Facebook Shop, and click edit products to choose an action.
  • In the edit product drop-list, select Make products available
  • Make sure both Facebook and the online store are selected, then click the Make products available button. A message will pop up to inform you that your products are now published.
  • In the same manner, navigate to the collection section of your Shopify products. Choose the collection you want to make live on your Facebook page, click on edit collections, make sure Facebook and online store are marked and click on the Make collections available
  • You can view these products by navigating to your Facebook/Shop tab on your Shopify Admin Menu. On this page, you can change the arrangement of the collection by dragging on their names on the top left side of the page. Make sure you click on the publish changes button anytime you make a change in the arrangement.
  • The Facebook/Publishing tab is where you view all errors and the products that are awaiting approval.
  • Once all is done, navigate to the account section of your Facebook sales channel. Scroll down to Facebook Checkout and allow Eligible US customers to checkout on Facebook. This will allow US residents to buy and pay for products on Facebook without visiting your main shop on Shopify.

Now, Facebook would have automatically added a Shop tab to your business page. You can log in to your Facebook account to view your shop and the products you have there. Facebook users will be able to see it when it has been approved.

Why you should integrate your Shopify store with Instagram

Instagram for social eCommerce is a great idea. The photo and video sharing social platform can be of great assistance to boosting your brands and getting more sales. People love to see what they want to buy in action. They want to watch a video of a gentleman using the laptop bag you have in your store so that they can determine if it’s the right fit for them. Besides, an image is worth a thousand words.

According to a study published by Omnicore, 73% of teenagers think that Instagram is the right social network for businesses to push out new products. This means that Instagram might be the selling ground you have been seeking. Let’s see more benefits of integrating Shopify with Instagram.

  1. More sales conversion

People relate better to quality images and interesting videos. They readily buy products when they see stunning pictures of them and how-to videos. Moreover, graphical contents are easier to consume, and they are attention grabbers. Meanwhile, it’s simpler to buy from Instagram. Buyers could purchase by clicking on pictures and entering their card details.

  1. Build a community of buyers

Instagram users will follow your business when you provide them with amazing and helpful content relating to your niche. They will think of your brand as a trusted and professional business. When they follow you, they get to see your new posts and updates. Meanwhile, there is an Instagram follower button on your Shopify store by which buyers and visitors join your Instagram community.

  1. Diverse marketing strategy

There’s no limit to ways you can use to advertise your products. You could make a notable Influencer in your niche tag your store in their post. Instagram ads campaign would go a long way in advertising your store and products. Using Shopify tracking pixel to run retargeting campaigns on Instagram is another great idea.

  1. Gain perspective customer trust

Have you heard of the quote “multiple channels result helps to gain customer’s trust”? Honestly, I just made that up. I don’t think there is any quote of such. However, It’s a correct statement. Having a presence on different social networks and marketplaces will make people think of your brand as a serious and reputable business.

  1. Increased market size

Instagram is the fifth most used social network in the world. It came after Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, and Messenger on the list. And from 2018, social media has been recording over 1 billion users every month, and a larger percentage of users fall between the ages of 18-34 years old. Integrating your Shopify store with Instagram will open the door of sale opportunities for your business, especially for those in the fashion niche or deals in teenagers’ products.

Requirements for Shopify Instagram Integration

  • You must have an Instagram professional account
  • Must have an online store with Shopify
  • Must have configured your Facebook Sales Channel to an approved Facebook Shop that has no country or age restrictions
  • You must have connected your Instagram business profile to your Facebook page
  • Agree and comply with all Facebook policies
  • Your products must fall into the approved Instagram-supported markets. You can check for it here.

How to integrate Shopify with Instagram?

Step 1: Installing Instagram Sale Channel

  • On your Shopify admin page, navigate to the (+) sign that’s positioned next to the Sales Channel heading
  • Scroll down on the Add Sales Channel dialogue till you get to the Instagram
  • Click Instagram to see more info about the Sales Channel
  • Click Add Sale channel positioned rightly below the app details to install it
  • Then, connect to your Facebook business page using your login details to validate your Instagram account.

Step 2: Adding Shop button to your Instagram

  • Log in to your Instagram business profile
  • Click the Get Started notification at the top of your profile
  • If you don’t get the alert, check into the options or gear wheel on your profile
  • Click Products
  • Click Continue
  • Choose the product catalog you want to make live on Instagram
  • Click Done

Step 3: Managing your Shopify Facebook Catalogue using Instagram

Instagram Shops need Facebook Shop to function, and that’s why you have to connect both eCommerce surfaces. Since they are connected, you can effect change on your Facebook Shop using Instagram. You can do that by following the steps below:

  • Open your business profile on Instagram and navigate to the setting section
  • Click Shopping and Verify your Facebook account

If you can’t find the shopping option, click Edit profile and make sure you’re still connected to your Facebook business page

  • Choose product catalog
  • Click Done

The only way to win in this competitive world is to be willing to go to the extent others can’t dare to reach. Social commerce might be your breakthrough marketing strategy for your business. Give it a try today if you already have a Shopify store. It won’t cost a dime to set up!