Do you know that savvy investors are timely, curious, and explorative? It means that they readily explore new technologies and ideas and quickly derive business and marketing opportunities from them. They act fast and seek new ways to promote their businesses.

That could be the reason why you can’t take your eyes off the red-painted social media logo that says Pinterest. You constantly find yourself thinking about creating a customer base for your ecommerce brand on the social platform.

Well, you’ve thought well, and the good news is that it’s possible. You could even make it happen today if you already have a Shopify store for your business. With this ultimate guide on how to sell your products on Shopify, you could make your first sale on Shopify within the next 24-hours.

Dear merchants, get comfy, strap yourself in, and enjoy the ride with us. It’s the marketing airline, and the destination is getting more sales on your Shopify store.

Let’s begin by understanding Pinterest.

What is Pinterest, and How does it work?

Pinterest is an image-sharing and social platform that enables users to share their creativity and ideas using images, animated GIFs, and videos. The social network was founded in December 2009 by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp.

It started with a few thousand users in its first couple of months, but now Pinterest is proud of over 400 million users across the globe. Pins and boards are the most frequently used words on the platform. The social platform works on that simple model, in which users pin and make boards.

The pin is like the term “post” used on other social media. It simply means content that can either be images, videos, or animated GIFs uploaded by a user on the platform. Meanwhile, the board collects pins of the same theme, such as recipes, beverages, or tote bags.

There are other terms, such as repinning, and it is used to describe the act of saving a pin uploaded by another user. Pinterest is straightforward to understand and very simple to navigate.

In its early days, Pinterest was mainly used for sharing life hacks and finding people that share the same views and lifestyle with you. But as years passed by, businesspeople started seeing the opportunities in the platform. And in 2012, Pinterest officially opened the platform for businesses by introducing the business account.

From that moment, the social network began to experience an increase in business activities. Bloggers use Pinterest to drive traffic to their website. Service businesses use it to engage with people and to get new leads. And now, ecommerce merchants can integrate their Pinterest business account with their Shopify store to get more sales.

Pinterest and Shopify Integration

The news of the Shopify and Pinterest partnership came in May 2020. At first, the channel was only opened to merchants in the United States of America. However, at the point of writing this article, the channel is open to 27 countries. And they include Brazil, the United Kingdom, Australia, France, and Germany.

The integration is done by installing the Pinterest channel on the Shopify store. The channel would enable merchants to advertise their products on Pinterest as Shoppable pins. A new feature comes with this channel known as Dynamic retargeting, which allows merchants to track and engage with prospective buyers that saved their Shoppable pins.

The channel also offers lots of unique features. And will talk about it all in a bit as we expose the benefits of integrating your Shopify store with Pinterest.

Benefits of Integrating Pinterest with Shopify

Images and videos are the most appreciated form of content. People react better to these contents than they do with articles. Now, imagine yourself viewing a board of a product you’re interested in or need in your house. You will be more motivated to make a purchase, right? This is how Pinterest will gather more sales for your business.

Below are more benefits of integrating Shopify with Pinterest.

  1. Improved discoverability

Pinterest will increase your business discoverability. Many people from different parts of the world will come to know your business and the products that you sell. The social network records hundreds of millions of active users every month, indicating that you could make six figures by integrating your Shopify store.

  1. Reach a wider audience

There are lots of people out there looking for your products. With Pinterest Rich pins, you can make them discover your store. Using optimized pin description, you could reach more people in a month that you could never reach in a year, depending only on your store SEO.

  1. Price notifications

A great feature that comes with enabling the Pinterest channel on your Shopify store is the Price notification. Pinterest users that have repinned your pins get an email notification when the prices of your products change.

  1. You get to sell more than a product

As mentioned earlier, Pinterest is more about creating and sharing a lifestyle. Therefore, if you organize your board very well, you could sell lifestyles to your followers. You could make them thirstier and buy more than they intend. It’s all about how you can use your creativity to engage and convert your Pinterest followers.

  1. Build a community of buyers

It’s easier to build a customer base on Pinterest. This social media is full of positive mindsets ready to support and purchase from small and medium scale businesses.

  1. Free advertising credit

All Shopify merchants that integrate their store with their Pinterest business account could generate more sales using the Pinterest Ads campaign. Moreover, a free $100 advertising credit is awaiting them on publishing their first ad through Shopify.

How to integrate Pinterest with your Shopify Store

Before we go further, it’s important to know that you can only integrate with a Pinterest business account, so make sure you open one if you don’t have one. And if you already have a personal account, you could change it to a business account by following the steps here

After the conversion, take the following steps to link your Shopify store to your Pinterest business account.

  • Log in to your Shopify store
  • On your Shopify Admin Home page, click on the plus (+) beside the SALES CHANNELS heading
  • Scroll down and click the plus button on the Pinterest sales channel app
  • Click the Add Sales Channel button
  • Then Click connect to integrate with your Pinterest account. You may have to type in your Pinterest login details here.
  • Proceed by clicking the Give access

Now, your Shopify store is connected with your Pinterest business account. But even with that, you need to put some settings in place on the page you’re now.

Before then, you need to know that the social platform has automatically created some accounts for you on connecting with Pinterest. The first one visible on this settings page is the Pinterest Ads account, and its function is to sync all your products to Pinterest and automatically make and publish shoppable pins for you.

The second is the Pinterest tag that makes it possible for you to view and access the insights on actions taken by people that visit your store from Pinterest.

  • Scroll down and set your billing account by clicking the Add billing The account added will be billed whenever the integration channel automatically makes an Ad. But don’t worry, you will always get to approve and set the ad budget.
  • When you’re done adding the billing method, accept the Pinterest terms and conditions.
  • The last thing to set is the Under this section, you would see several required fields each of your Shopify products must have to be automatically synced on Pinterest. Also, there is a manage availability option for you to choose the products you want to make available for selling on Pinterest.
  • Click manage availability if you wish to make changes. Select the products you either want to make available or unavailable. Then tap the availability filter that has a drop-down arrow icon beside it. Choose whether you want to make the selected products available or unavailable on Pinterest.

How to enable and disable some products on Pinterest

Another thing you would want to know how to go about is allowing and disabling some products from showing on your Pinterest account. This knowledge could come in handy when you don’t want to display some of your products on Pinterest and when you want to add new ones.

Installing a Pinterest sales channel on your account will automatically sync all your products as Shoppable pins. But you can disable a product by taking the following steps:

  • On your Shopify admin, tap All products
  • Click on the product you don’t want to display on Pinterest
  • On the product details page, click manage
  • Unmark Pinterest and hit the Done button
  • Then hit save

How to claim Shopify website on Pinterest

You could further strengthen the integration by claiming your Shopify website on Pinterest. Doing this will cause Pinterest to verify your website. Also, it will assist you in optimizing your business profile and accessing analytics of your marketing performances. Above all, your profile will be displayed below all your shoppable pins on Pinterest.

To claim your website, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your Pinterest account and navigate to edit settings. In this section, tap Claim
  • Click claim your website
  • Enter your website address in the space provided
  • After providing your website address, Pinterest will give you a line of code to be added to your site head section
  • Copy this code, with the open and closing tags (<>) inclusive
  • Log in to your Shopify store, and hover to the online store of the Shopify admin page. Tap it so that a list drops.
  • On the list, click themes
  • Click on the action in the debut section. It will cause a list to drop.
  • Tap edit code
  • Choose liquid under the layout option.
  • Paste the copied line of code in the code editor rightly below the <head> tag
  • Tap save, leave the liquid editor and return to Pinterest. Click confirm and wait for some minutes.

If the above steps are followed correctly, you will receive an email notification regarding claiming your website. And a globe icon will appear beside your website on your Pinterest profile.


Please don’t sleep on it, this might be the breakthrough you desired for your store. Many businesses are crushing it through this Pinterest and Shopify Integration, and you could also join the league. I wish you success!

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