Is it your desire to help more people with their finances? And you’re looking for ways to attract people that are on the brink of bankruptcy so that you can save them. The pay-per-click campaign may be the solution you want. It can be the key that will unlock the door to seas of individuals and businesses who need a financial advisor.

The pay-per-click campaign is a marketing solution used by businesses to sell their products and services in which they pay for the advertisement when the link to their product or service is clicked. Google ads are the most common PPC and the most effective. The reason is many people consider Google as the place to find the best professional service business.

PPC for financial advisors is usually designed to make brand awareness and gain more clients. The Google ads will position your landing page links on SERPs for relevant searches. Researchers usually click on the first five ranked lists in SERPs, so you stand more chance with the PPC campaign solution.

However, starting a Pay-per-click campaign for your financial consulting business is one thing, and it’s another to make returns. Most agencies get clicks but little or no conversions, and that’s because they aren’t doing something right. If you want to do yours differently, below are seven tips for exceptional Pay-per-click campaign management.

Know your audience

To maximize your Google ads campaign, you must know your audience. You must know people interested in your financial services and why they need them critically. Knowing their age, economic status, job, location, and financial problems would help you develop a campaign that meets the right people.

It’s crucial that you know their search intent. How do these people search for solutions online? The answer to this question would help you in your keyword selection. Keywords are phrases or words that researchers type in the google search box when looking for answers.

Use both brand and broad type keywords

These keywords can be brand or broad. The brand keywords contain your brand name. An example is “John Kenny Financial consultant.” Keywords that fall into this category would help you attract people that already know your business. But decided to search on Google because they have forgotten the URL to your website.

The other type is called broad because businesses in your industry can use it. An example is “Financial advisors in Tennessee.” General keywords attract a large number of people who needs your service. You can get suggestions by using Keyword research tools like the Google Keyword Planner.


Except if you render your financial services online using platforms like zoom, you would be limited by location. And you cannot cover all parts of the globe. For this reason, it’s reasonable and more effective to geo-target. Target only those around your business office address. You can do this by using other Google solutions like the Google My Business Listing. And by including localized keywords in your Google ads campaign.

Add new negative keywords

As there are keywords that would present your business before potential clients, so are others that would rank your business before the wrong audience. These keywords are referred to as negative. They are very harmful to your campaign. Therefore, you must add them to the negative keyword list available on your Google ads admin when your figure them out. And if you find them difficult to figure out, always check the keyword report for suggestions.

Regularly update your bid strategy

Goals are the driving energy for any campaign or business. And goals change with time. In the Google PPC campaign, the bid strategy is the goal. And you must ensure that you change it to fit your expected result. Maximum click is good for creating awareness for your business, and maximum conversions will bring you more clients.

Deciding on goals at a particular stage may seem complicated, and for this reason, Google ads have integrated a machine learning system that suggests bid strategies for business. Ensure you check regularly and update.

Develop a converting landing page

A landing page is that web page on your site where people who clicked on your ads are directed. The quality of this page determines whether they will become your client or not. For that reason, every part of it must be in order.

The pictures must be attractive, the copy must be persuasive, and the call-to-action must demand urgency. Your visitors must read the content and feel the need to become your client. It must show them that you have the skills and expertise to solve their problems.

Set up conversion tracking and measure metrics

It’s necessary to make a record of your ups and downs. And that could only be possible when you set up the conversion tracking. This would help you measure performance metrics to know what to improve and what to cut off. Ensure that you analyze your reports regularly.


With these seven tips, you can be the most sought financial advisor in your region. Many clients will come to your side, and your competitors will never have a chance against you. But it’s easier said than done and even more difficult for someone who is not an expert of Google ads. For this reason, you should hire us at Premlall Consulting to handle your PPC campaign.

We have Google ads experts that can help you launch and maintain a successful campaign. Our copywriters will help you craft the best landing page copy. And we will make sure that your keywords are strong and attract the right audience. A trial will surely convince you.