It doesn’t matter what type of company you run. If you want to maximize your opportunities for growth in this day and age, it’s essential to have a website. And to stand out from your competitors, you must make sure your site is a great one.

Many factors go into building a superb website, but there are secrets that small business owners often overlook. Below, Premlall Consulting covers some of the most fundamental components to consider when creating your site.


A website that is not secure will open your business and your customers up to a wide range of cybercrimes. Hackers love to target small businesses because they assume they don’t have the resources to add the necessary protective layers. The last thing you want is to leave your company vulnerable to devastating consequences.

That said, you can still be attacked if you take precautions. That’s why it is essential to establish a data recovery plan for recouping stolen data and getting back to running your company.

Along with defining a time frame and directing specific IT security specialists in the recovery efforts, a recovery plan will inform you about which applications and programs should be a top priority.

Clear Goals

Make sure you have clear goals written out. What is the purpose of your website? Is it an ecommerce site or are you hoping to sell a service? Will you pursue affiliate marketing to pad your revenue, or do you simply want to use your site as a platform for sharing ideas?

Answering these types of questions before you build your site will ensure your design starts in the right direction.

Engaging Design

Your website must engage users from the moment they see your homepage or landing page. With attractive visuals, a simple layout, and easy-to-use navigation, you can set your site up to win over customers and build your online presence.

Excellent Content

Written copy is critical for your business website. Along with being well-written, easy to understand, and informative, your blogs and landing page content should promote your brand’s voice. If you write your own content, make sure you update the site on a regular basis; a stagnant blog, for example, can immediately turn off potential customers. To keep your posts on a regular schedule, download a template for a monthly planner. Find one that lets you leave comments; this way, you can digitally jot down any ideas.

If you are not a writer, you might benefit from hiring a professional who can conduct thorough research and use your voice to inform and entertain your audience.

SEO Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is another essential element of building your online presence. While there are many SEO tactics to consider outside of your website, you will want to ensure your site is optimized for search engines. Essentially, using keywords, scannable outlines, and analytics tools can help your site attract more online consumers.


Speaking of analytics, you will want to use a website tracking tool to monitor traffic. A tool like Google Analytics can show you which pages are getting the most hits and how many visitors you get each day and month. Such information can show you where your site needs improvements and which tactics are working.

Good Load Speed

Part of having a usable website is making it load fast for visitors. Think about when you look for a product or try to learn about a business. Do you typically wait for a page to load for longer than a few seconds?

Make sure you are using a web host that provides exceptional load speed. And be mindful of the images, videos, and other content that can slow down your site.

Regular Maintenance

Your mission is not over once you have designed a killer website. You will need to keep it maintained, which entails regular updates and periodic redesigns. The key is to stay a step ahead of your competitors, and the only way to do that is to provide users with a site that is relevant and performing better than the rest.

Whatever type of business you own, you must have a top-notch website if you want your short-term and long-term vision to become a reality. Consider the elements above for building a site that sets you apart from the competition. And constantly research other ways that you can improve your site and move your company forward!

Premlall Consulting can help you advertise your business, website, product, or brand — all you have to do is sit back and relax. Contact us today to learn more.