Teaching people how to make money online during this Covid-19 lockdown is my way of offering help during this pandemic. Earlier in this series, I have stated the seven different digital marketing niches that we will be considering over the next few weeks. At first, we started with freelancing, and in the last article, I defined some terms and stated some benefits in the business. Now, we will proceed to the most wanted skills in freelancing.

Skill is one of the most selling things in the world presently. Whether it’s your talent or something learned and mastered, it has been the leveraging power of entrepreneurs. In every kind of business, some skills are needed so likewise in freelancing. As stated in the previous blog, there is no limit to services that can be rendered by a freelancer. However, some are in high demand than others. And the only way to make a living from the job is by rendering a service that is needed regularly. For this reason, I have gathered the most ordered freelancing jobs in 2020 more especially during this pandemic period.

1. Video creation

Look around you, the world is adopting more of videos than articles. Businesses have discovered that a video of 4-5 minutes has more conversion than a thousand words of the article, and that’s the reason your Facebook and Instagram feeds are full of videos. Therefore, there is a high demand for people who can create and edit videos. In a study performed by peopleperhour.com, it was revealed that video marketers have 66% leads than other skills in all the years considered. Even Fiverr noted that video creation is the most demanded and profitable skills in freelancing.

2. Article writing

Article writing is another one like video creator. Businesses and bloggers do depend on writers for their website contents, product reviews, and eBooks. Meanwhile, people do hire freelance writers for their professional writings like letter writings, resume, and email messages. For any kind of writer, there is always a place for you in the freelancing business. And I must tell you that most freelancers are writers. A research conducted by Freelance industry in 2012 shows that 50% of freelancers in North America are writers, and it remains that way till today in all parts of the world. So do you have writing skills? Why not make money with it during this lockdown?

3. Content editing

Having content on the internet does not guarantee a straight win for your business or blog. The contents still need to meet some criteria to be on the SERP’s (Search Engine result pages) when inquires are made on search engines. This calls for the need for content managers and Search engine optimization managers. These are the people that use their knowledge of keyword researching, content editing, and backlinks creation to upgrade content to rank high on search engines like Google. Freelancers with this skill can also get jobs like infographics, script editing, and brand guidelines.

4. Animation

Most advertisements used nowadays are animations. And the reason behind it is that it can be created within a few minutes without having to deal with the cost of securing locations and hiring actors, unlike real-life videos. An animation creator must also have the skill of coming up with scripts that can merge perfectly with animations to create high-converting videos. Most freelancers are going into this niche because it’s much easier with smartphones and mobile Apps. Meanwhile, advertisement is just one of the animation jobs. They can also work on 3D modeling, games, and character creation.

5. Logo design

Every new day records the establishment of new businesses. Meanwhile, getting a logo is the first step in branding a business. Therefore, logo designers always receive jobs every day. As small and less time consuming the job is, freelancers are making huge income from it. Moreover, it is very easy for logo designers to take many orders at once so far they can deliver very fast. The logo designing niche is very competitive, but the uniqueness and quality of previous jobs will make a freelancer stands out. Even as most businesses are not open these days, e-commerce store and game producers still order for logos.

6. Graphic design

Graphic design is just one skill that covers so many services that can be rendered by a freelancer. Under this category, business card designing is the most wanted skill. After getting a logo, the next thing business owners go for is a card. eBook cover design is another one. Having written an eBook or create software to be sold online, businesses and info-marketers always look for graphic designers to create covers and banners to advertise their products. Graphic designers are also hunted online for flyers, infographics, and vectors creation.

7. Website builder and designer

In an article written on Cloudbric, it was stated that there are over one billion active websites presently, and there is one website for every seven people which implies that there is certainly a high demand for website builders and designers. Website design is not just one of the most demanded skills, but also one of the highest-paid services. Freelancers with these skills also bid for jobs related to WordPress programming, plugin installation, website cloning, and migration. People with this skill are very limited, and therefore the niche is hot.

8. Mobile App developer

Mobile App is the new online strategy used by businesses and organizations to interact with smartphone users. Therefore, new mobile applications are been developed daily, and there is a need for developers. A freelancer in this niche must be able to create icons, logos, and several pages for apps. Furthermore, they must be able to tailor the app to meet the demand of their client and meet whatever purpose they want to use it for. Just like website designing, there are few people in this niche, and they receive high payment for their services.

9. Viral promoter

It’s high time you start gaining money from the large numbers of followers you have on social platforms. Maybe you were once a fitness coach or has a yoga page on Instagram with lots of followers, then why not consider earning by being a promoter or influencer. All you just need to do is to find a business in your niche and get paid for advertising their product or brand to your followers. There are different payment method for promoters, some may choose to pay per sale or views depending on their agreement. Some freelancers are also into assisting Youtuber and businesses to gain more subscribers.

10. Translators and Transcribers

Are you fluent in two languages? Or have the ability to convert speech to text and vice versa? Here is your chance to gain income with your skills. Info-marketers are out there looking for freelancers who can convert text or speech from one language to another. So there is also is a high demand for transcribers. These services are not difficult and can be done easily by finding the appropriate tools.

These are just a few of the skills needed to become a freelancer. Consultancy, singer, scriptwriter, audio mixer, data analyst, and marketers are some other freelancing services. So what are you going to do? Are you going to brace up and turn the situation around by using your skills to make money while in quarantine? Am very sure you don’t want to do otherwise. It’s time to bring your skills online. It’s time to learn a new skill, and it’s time to make more money working from home.